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Undocumented Student Transfer Panel

October 21

Facilitator: AnnMarie Ruelas, EOPS/CARE, CalWORKs, Guardian Scholars & Grads to Be Program Director, Cypress College

Panelists: Undocumented Students who have transferred from Cypress College, Fullerton College, and NOCE to 4 year univiersties

Description: A majority of undocumented students are pipelined to the community college system due to the financial, professional, and circumstantial challenges they face. Additionally, experiencing imposter syndrome, academic rigor, and other challenges of life can create a sense of not belonging. Through this panel, we aim to dismantle challenges by exposing participants to experiences and strategies developed by former NOCCCD students who transferred to 4-year universities.

Target Audience: Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Students

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