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Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship Information Session

September 12

This workshop is designed to assist students to apply to the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship.

On The Award:
Each award is intended to cover a significant share of the student’s educational expenses – including tuition, living expenses, books and required fees – for the final two to three years necessary to achieve a bachelor’s degree. Awards vary by individual, based on the cost of tuition as well as other grants or scholarships they may receive. This highly competitive scholarship includes:

  • Up to $40,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate school.
  • Ability to pursue any area of study.
  • Personal advising about selecting a college and navigating financial aid.
  • Multifaceted advising about how to transition to a four-year college and maximize the student experience.

TO RSVP: Call or visit the Transfer Center, Room 212, (714) 992-7086.

Click here for more information!

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