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UCLA CCCP Power to the Foster Youth/former Foster Youth Transfer Experience Webinar!
July 22
UCLA CCCP invites all Foster Youth/former Foster Youth and Kinship Care graduating HS seniors & community college students to join us for the Power to The Foster Youth/former Foster Youth Transfer Experience Zoom webinar. For more information about FY Webinar or the UCLA CCCP Scholars Program,
contact our office at cccp@college.ucla.edu or at (310) 267-4441 WWW.CCCP.UCLA.EDU The webinar will begin at 11 AM, however we will open the Zoom room at 10:45 PM. This webinar will focus on student empowerment, creating community, and a discussion on the importance of focusing on mental health.
Zoom registration link: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAkf-2qrTgpHta2ZGpxD91YHa-fnjReSDxJ