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FC - Summer Classes Begin
June 6
Calendar of Important Dates
S UMM E R 2 0 2 2
These dates apply to regularly scheduled classes meeting the full length of the term.
Apply Now! ..................................................................Accepting online application for Admission
Tuesday, May 3 ............................................................Registration for Summer Classes Begins
Monday, April 25 – Thursday, June 16 ..........................Accepting applications for Summer Graduation
Monday, May 30 ............................................................Memorial Day Holiday
Monday, June 6............................................................Summer Classes Begin
Registration continues through the add deadline for each class
Pass/No Pass option is available for approved courses through
the add deadline for each class
Thursday, June 16 .........................................................Last day to file for Summer Graduation
Monday, July 4 ……………............................................Independence Day Holiday
Thursday, Aug 18.........................................................Last day of term
*All Registration, Adds, Drops and Withdrawals are to be completed ONLINE through myGateway*