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October 6

Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Application OPENS

Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship Application OPENS

October 6

The application to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is now open! The Cooke Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship is a highly selective scholarship for the nation’s top community college students seeking to complete their bachelor’s degrees at four-year colleges or universities. Each Cooke Scholar has access to generous financial support for two to three years (up to $55,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate school!), college planning support, ongoing advising, and the opportunity to connect with the thriving community of fellow scholars.

For more information, please visit the scholarship page here.

SCHEC Fall 2022 Virtual Transfer Fair

SCHEC Fall 2022 Virtual Transfer Fair

October 6

The South Coast Higher Education Council hosts fairs for local community college students to connect with the phenomenal four-year colleges and universities located right here in Southern California. All schools participating in our events are regionally-accredited SCHEC members, and they each offer diverse pathways of study to fit the unique requirements of So Cal's student community.


Part 2: The UC Application and PIQs Workshop (Fall 2023 Transfers)

Part 2: The UC Application and PIQs Workshop (Fall 2023 Transfers)

October 6

This workshop provides students with an overview of the UC application.
Topics Include:

  • Current UC Admissions Standards
  • Entering coursework & exam credit
  • Personal Insight Questions
  • Application Fee & Fee Waivers

RSVP is required. To RSVP, please visit here.

UC Davis Student Ambassador Q&A

UC Davis Student Ambassador Q&A

October 6

Meet several of the College of Letters and Science student ambassadors and ask them about their academic and student life experiences at UC Davis. This will be a question and answer session only, so come prepared with your student-focused inquiries, such as: Why did they choose UC Davis? Was the transition hard from high school/community college? Where is the best place to live on campus? Are faculty approachable and available to students? (Session will be recorded.)

To register, click here.