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October 5

UC Santa Barbara: Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) Overview Webinar

UC Santa Barbara: Transfer Admission Planner (TAP) Overview Webinar

October 5

Join UC Santa Barbara's Office of Admissions as we discuss the University of California Transfer Admission Planner, this is a live event hosted in Zoom. During the session we will provide information on filling out the UC TAP, keeping information updated, and how the tool can help you as a future UC transfer applicant. This webinar is intended for students that have not yet applied to transfer. 

To register, click here.

UC Davis College of Letters and Science Open House for Chicanx and Latinx Prospective Students and Families

UC Davis College of Letters and Science Open House for Chicanx and Latinx Prospective Students and Families

October 5

Join UC Davis for a brief presentation about the College of Letters and Science, our majors, programs and student support services, followed by a Q&A. Panelists will include Dr. Lina Mendez, Director of UC Davis's Hispanic Serving Institution Initiative, as well as staff from the Center for Chicanx and Latinx Academic Student Success. (Session will be recorded.)

To register, click here.