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April 29

Fall 2025 Transfers: UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Workshop

Fall 2025 Transfers: UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Workshop

April 29

If you are planning to apply to transfer to the UC for fall 2025 and also intend to apply for the UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), then we strongly advise that you attend this workshop. Fall 2025 UC TAG applicants will need to meet university TAG criteria by the end of summer 2024.

This workshop will cover the basic requirements of TAG & TAG matrix, benefits & limitations, and the TAG application process.

To RSVP, please visit the Transfer Center Application Services webpage.

Cal Poly Pomona: Next Steps Workshop for Fall 2024 Admits

Cal Poly Pomona: Next Steps Workshop for Fall 2024 Admits

April 29

If you have been admitted to Cal Poly Pomona for fall 2024, then register for the Cal Poly Pomona Next Steps workshop: