CSU Northridge: Recreation & Tourism Management Info Session

6:00 pm 7:00 pm
September 29

The Department of Recreation & Tourism Management at CSUN will be hosting its Fall information session for community colleges on Wednesday, September 29th at 6 pm. Learn how you can earn your Bachelor of Science in Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation Management Or Minor in Hospitality & Tourism; Recreation Management; or Leadership Through Adventure. Build the foundation for an exciting career in hospitality, travel & tourism, event/experience planning & management, outdoor recreation, state and national parks, and much more.
This session is open to students, counselors, and faculty.
To RSVP:  https://csun.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuf--gqjotHtYF_q4nfC9BIrRp_ar8TLOa

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