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Part 1: Are You Ready to Apply? (Fall 2020 Transfers)

September 18

This workshop provides students with an overview of the entire year-long fall application cycle for the CSU & UC.

Topics and services provided:

  • Counselor pre-screening of applicant transcripts
    • NOTE: Pre-screening is only provided to students who have RSVP.
      Same day sign ups may not get their transcripts pre-screened. 
  • Current CSU & UC Admissions Practices including competitive admissions practices and CSU service areas.
  • Overview of the Year-long Application Process
  • Overview of Special Transfer Programs


Workshop will be held in the FC Transfer Center, Room 212
Seating is limited so RSVP today!
TO RSVP: Call or visit the Transfer Center, Room 212, (714) 992-7086.

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