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San Jose State University: Admitted Spartan Day

April 15

Congratulations on your provisional admission offer for Fall 2023! We look forward to having you join us for Admitted Spartan Day, an open-house experience for admitted students! Throughout the day, you will learn about your area of study and hear from fellow Spartans about life at SJSU. You will be able to engage with our university staff and students during the various workshops, tours and info sessions. We are here to answer your questions and welcome you to the Spartan community and hope that you choose to enroll for Fall 2023! For questions about the event, email us at admittedspartan@sjsu.edu

Event Registration: https://sjsu-outreach-recruitment.heydays.io/conventions/1422

Please be sure to register no later than Monday, April 10. After letting us know you’ll be attending, be sure to check out the full schedule of offerings. Many of our tours and workshops allow you to R.S.V.P. to help plan and prioritize your time to ensure you get all of the information needed to transition to SJSU successfully.

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